Sunday, December 18, 2011

Herbals Anti Hair Loss Cream Review

Hair Loss Cream

Well, nowadays i assumed of reviewing Himalaya Herbals Anti Hair Loss Cream that I actually have been using for quite your time currently. I suffer from some serious hairfall downside and it worsens within the monsoons. Everytime I run my fingers through my hair there would be this bunch of strands coming back off and it generally scares me that i'd go bald soon *sob* *sob* (wish I had listened to my Mom when she told me to worry for my hair *sigh* ). thus let’s see how this product fared solving this downside.

PRICE:  Rs. 330

QUANTITY: one hundred ml


MY EXPERIENCE:  I used this product continuously for a few two weeks with sooner or later gap in between 2 applications. Then i finished using it for many days, and excluding started using it however not often, to envision how it works for my hair. I apply it to my scalp mainly and comb my fingers through my hair to unfold it. I keep it on all night and then wash it off within the morning. Following is my fight it.


    The cream could be a neither too thick nor too runny and spreads simply.
 provides a cooling sensation when applied that I realize quite relaxing. perhaps as a result of i'm a hot head .
    Adds some volume and shine to the hair, once it's washed off.
    Doesn’t build hair oily however since it's a cream it dampens it up a trifle ofcourse.

    I realize Himalaya product to be inexpensive.


    Okay i'm undecided albeit there's a 2 hundredth reduction in two weeks in my hair fall downside as claimed. it's still constant as before. I don’t count what proportion hair I lost everyday however the scale of bunch hasn’t reduced significantly that I might swear by it.
    The cream appearance a trifle gooey and features a sturdy herbal smell that could be a bit nauseating every now and then and you can’t go outside applying it on your hair.
 an honest quantity of product is needed for every use to hide the full scalp. thus it's going to wind up quickly.

Hair Loss Cream

VERDICT: i believe one has to be a trifle patient with these reasonably product. perhaps i'd provides it another attempt to see whether or not it extremely reduces my hair fall frequency in the least.Hair Loss Cream


  1. Hey really thanks for providing us this useful information you can also visit on himalaya Hair Loss products for related information

  2. If you have any query regards hair fall treatment gurgaon then plz visit our website:-

  3. Pune is providing affordable treatment for the hair loss and excessive hair fall. Baldness has many treatments like Follicular unit extraction, Follicular unit transplantation, Platelet-rich plasma Therapy and Mesotherapy.

  4. Amongst various creams available over the counters today, the cheap, best and easily available is Himalaya Hair Loss Cream by Himalaya Herbals. The cream is to be simply applied in scalp and massaged lightly with fingertips.

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